What is the male pair-bonding DNA test?
The “male pair-bonding” gene is a genetic variant of the AVPR1A gene. The AVPR1A gene encodes the arginine vasopressin receptor 1A, which binds vasopressin and transmits the signal into the
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The “male pair-bonding” gene is a genetic variant of the AVPR1A gene. The AVPR1A gene encodes the arginine vasopressin receptor 1A, which binds vasopressin and transmits the signal into the
There are three different AVPR1A variants (RS1, RS3 and GT25) that arise due to short tandem repeats (STRs) in the regulatory region, which controls AVPR1A protein levels.
Vasopressin is a hormone or a chemical messenger that promotes water retention in the kidneys and increase blood pressure. Most of these effects take place
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